Tangerine & Greens with Maple Viniagrette Mason Jar Salads

When I first discovered the efficiency, versatility, and freshness of Mason jar salads it was life-changing. They are easy to make, keep for up to a week in the refrigerator, and are visually appealing (I think they look like lovely edible terrarium gardens).
Salads packed in a jar are a great way to encourage yourself, and your family, to eat more fruit and vegetables and reduce waste. … More Tangerine & Greens with Maple Viniagrette Mason Jar Salads


It dawned on me this afternoon that yesterday was “Produce with Amy’s” 10 YEAR BLOGAVERSARY!

While I may not have realized fame and fortune in 10 years like some bloggers do, I feel rather accomplished. I set a goal to share my love of cooking, nutrition, growing flowers and vegetables, writing, photography – and the hopes that it would encourage myself, and others, to be more productive and healthy. I can proudly say that I have stuck with this goal! … More 10 YEAR BLOGAVERSARY